Utu iti ma wheketere-Haere
Mahi tika me te wheketere hiko ki te tapahi i te kaiwawao. He taketake hou me te utu iti me te utu
Haumaru me te Kounga Whakapono
Pūnaha inihua kounga mo te kounga hua tino pai. I te wa, i nga wa katoa e whakarato ana i nga waahanga Kounga.
Neke atu i te 15 miriona Inventory
100+ Kaihanga rongonui o te ao, neke atu i te 15 miriona nga raarangi. Kei te waatea nga taonga e tautoko ana ki te hoko tika me te utu whakahekenga.
Ratonga Kaihoko
Ko te otinga kotahi kua whakawhaiarohia ki o hiahia motuhake. Tautoko i roto i te paetukutuku 12 Reo, ngawari ake me nga ratonga tere.
Samsung Semiconductor's business aims to achieve excellence as a long life, energy saving and eco-friendly light source supplier in displays and lighting applications. Samsung's advanced semiconductor manufacturing expertise serves as a strong foundation to deliver state-of-the-art LED devices. Samsung offers LED based lighting solutions in the form of back light units in display panels, exterior and dashboard lighting in automotives, lighting packages and engines with and without integrated optics, and drivers.
97668 Hua
162354 Hua
259420 Hua
49022 Hua
59307 Hua