Utu iti ma wheketere-Haere
Mahi tika me te wheketere hiko ki te tapahi i te kaiwawao. He taketake hou me te utu iti me te utu
Haumaru me te Kounga Whakapono
Pūnaha inihua kounga mo te kounga hua tino pai. I te wa, i nga wa katoa e whakarato ana i nga waahanga Kounga.
Neke atu i te 15 miriona Inventory
100+ Kaihanga rongonui o te ao, neke atu i te 15 miriona nga raarangi. Kei te waatea nga taonga e tautoko ana ki te hoko tika me te utu whakahekenga.
Ratonga Kaihoko
Ko te otinga kotahi kua whakawhaiarohia ki o hiahia motuhake. Tautoko i roto i te paetukutuku 12 Reo, ngawari ake me nga ratonga tere.
Telonic Berkeley (TB), a manufacturer of both standard and custom RF and microwave components, has a diversified technology base able to meet the most stringent quality and performance demands. TB’s impressive array of fixed filter types has evolved over the years to continually meet customer needs as well as tailoring performance parameters specifically to each customer’s requirements. Their product offerings also include an extensive line or precision Rotary Step Attenuators. TB continues to make large investments in design and manufacturing systems to aid in their growth and vast industry involvement.
33575 Hua