Utu iti ma wheketere-Haere
Mahi tika me te wheketere hiko ki te tapahi i te kaiwawao. He taketake hou me te utu iti me te utu
Haumaru me te Kounga Whakapono
Pūnaha inihua kounga mo te kounga hua tino pai. I te wa, i nga wa katoa e whakarato ana i nga waahanga Kounga.
Neke atu i te 15 miriona Inventory
100+ Kaihanga rongonui o te ao, neke atu i te 15 miriona nga raarangi. Kei te waatea nga taonga e tautoko ana ki te hoko tika me te utu whakahekenga.
Ratonga Kaihoko
Ko te otinga kotahi kua whakawhaiarohia ki o hiahia motuhake. Tautoko i roto i te paetukutuku 12 Reo, ngawari ake me nga ratonga tere.
ExAscend has been a leader in industrial and enterprise data storage for over 10 years. Established by a group of engineers with experience in solid state storage, ExAscend recognizes the benefits of in-house development. They specialize in customizable storage solutions with enterprise-grade performance and stability for all your applications. Their products are tailored to customer needs, not only to optimize for user experience but also provide the highest technology and safety requirements. ExAscend strives to be the most respected provider of reliable, customizable storage across the industry.